Our Company History

In October 2010, we established our company with an initial capital of USD 200,000.00. Over the years, our team has achieved remarkable accomplishments:


Managed accommodations and transportation for foreign athletes at the 2006 TRIATHLON JEJU.


Served as team manager for the Under-17 FIFA World Cup, overseeing all players' accommodations and transportation. Team manager for the 2007 Triathlon Jeju.


Organized the Korea Doctor's Association annual meeting in Seoul.


Managed the Cheongju Viennale Canadian Crafts & Folk Association tour for two weeks.


Established a new office in Seoul.


Coordinated field trips for Yonsei University (twice a year) and provided orientation tours for foreign students. Specialized in ski package tours.


Managed Yonsei University CIEE field trips (three times a year) and field trips for students from Philippine Mapua Technologies (three majors).


Continued coordination of Yonsei University CIEE field trips (three times a year) and Philippine De La Salle University field trips. Organized an incentive group tour for Germany DB Agent.


Began attending overseas travel fairs, including MATTA Fair and Singapore Travel Revolution. Participated in Malaysia Road Show and managed Germany DB Agent incentive group. Handled Rotary Club event tour groups from Bulgaria, India, and America.


Attended international travel fairs such as ITB Berlin, MATTA Fair Malaysia, Malaysia Korean Destination, and Indonesia Ascindo.


Participated in overseas travel fairs, including ITB Berlin, MATTA Fair Malaysia, Malaysia Korean Destination, Indonesia TTC, Philippine ITTE, and Philippine WITM.


Attended Philippine ITTE, Malaysia Indonesia MICE Road Show, and ITB Singapore. Managed incentive groups including BANK Muamarat in Malaysia, Prima KELOLA University in Indonesia, and Golden Ville Realty and Development in the Philippines.


Handled incentive groups for Logitech Singapore, CIEE 75th Annual Conference in Seoul, and USM University Malaysia.

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